Jen Castle Media



April 6, 2022

Leigh Bardugo: 

American fantasy author and #1 New York Times Best Selling author, is also the creator of “The Shadow and Bone” & “Six of Crows,” which have been adapted into “Shadow and Bone” by Netflix and “Ninth House” will be adapted by Amazon Studios, she is an executive producer on both.

Living Léla:

Living Lēla strives to educate and empower. Whether it be those on their journey towards conception or any and all of us navigating life’s hard transitions. Through yoga therapy, support groups, and Ayurvedic practiceswish to normalize the conversations around challenge and embrace being perfectly imperfect.

High Art Tattoo Studio:

Created High Art Tattoo as a safe space for all to explore their maximum creative expression. This is a Queer Women of Color owned Small Business. We believe that BLACK LIVES MATTER. We always have and we always will. High Art Tattoo was created to provide a safe space for everyone, but particularly QBIPOC. Tattoo artists & Piercers.

HOA: The Pilot, Starring Cheri Oteri

A half-hour comedy about a dysfunctional Homeowners Association and its larger than life residents.

Chaya in DTLA:

CHAYA restaurants have remained one of the city’s most beloved dining destinations for 30 years. CHAYA restaurants are renowned for their modern Euro-Asian concept and influence on the Los Angeles dining scene. All CHAYA locations highlight their menu with local and sustainable ingredients fresh from the farmer’s market each week and seasonally refresh their menus based on local availability. Each of our chefs create individual menus by by infusing exotic ingredients and honored culinary traditions from their native Japanese roots.

Little Women of LA:

LIFETIME TV cast and crew of “Little Women LA.” Season 7, Ep. 17. Christy and Autumn were in need of portraits for their upcoming Real Estate venture so we booked the studio and documented their portraits.

Various Brands/Entrepreneurs:

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